
Results for tag:sherlock holmes
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17 results found

Toby's Nose

by Chandler Groover
Tags matched: Sherlock Holmes
(110 ratings)

Sherlock Indomitable

by mathbrush
Tags matched: Sherlock Holmes
(13 ratings)

Sherlock: The Riddle of the Crown Jewels

by Bob Bates
Tags matched: sherlock holmes
(20 ratings)

Sherlock Mysteries

, by Ilya Platonov (2021)
Tags matched: Sherlock Holmes
(1 rating)

The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes

by Michael W. Bayley, David Malmberg, and Jim Vickonoff
Tags matched: Sherlock Holmes
(1 rating)


by Philip Mitchell
Tags matched: Sherlock Holmes
(2 ratings)

Without a Clue

, by David Whyld (2008)
Tags matched: Sherlock Holmes
(5 ratings)

Sherlock Holmes in the Case of the Beheaded Smuggler

, by Patrick Walsh (1988)
Tags matched: Sherlock Holmes
(1 rating)

The Revenge of Moriarty

, by Gareth Pitchford (2019)
Tags matched: Sherlock Holmes
(1 rating)

Murder at the Diogenes Club

, by Doc (2002)
Tags matched: Sherlock Holmes
(3 ratings)

The Cross of Fire

, by Matthew Carey (2003)
Tags matched: Sherlock Holmes
(1 rating)

Robin of Sherlock

by Fergus McNeill
Tags matched: Sherlock Holmes
(1 rating)

The Singular Adventure of the Indigo Violet

, by David Fletcher (2011)
Tags matched: Sherlock Holmes
(1 rating)

Sherlock Holmes: Another Bow

, by Peter A. Golden and Michael J. Becker (1985)
Tags matched: Sherlock Holmes

The Black River Emerald

, by Doc (2002)
Tags matched: Sherlock Holmes

Death at Appledore Towers

, by Doc (2002)
Tags matched: Sherlock Holmes

The Crown vs Dr. Watson

, by Doc (2002)
Tags matched: Sherlock Holmes